Pass Plus

What is Pass Plus?

PASS PLUS is a voluntary scheme designed to broaden the driving experiences of newly qualified drivers and gain discounted motor insurance from participating insurance companies.

Pass Plus has been designed for new drivers and is aimed at improving your driving skills to make you a safer driver. It will help develop your skills and knowledge in area where you have limited experience.

In a survey of new drivers who took a Pass plus course, 93% felt more confident on the road and 89% considered their driving had improved.

The benefits of Pass plus are, you will receive quality driving experience safely with a qualified instructor. It will help you become a more skilful driver. It will assist you develop a Positive Driving style and attitude and it will reduce the risk of you being involved in a road crash.

You will be assessed through out the course and there is no test at the end.

PASS PLUS covers six modules;

  • Town driving
  • All-weather driving
  • Out of town & Rural driving
  • Night driving
  • Dual Carriageways
  • Motorways

Each module does not take the same amount of time to cover, but each course must consist of a minimum of six hours. I think it is important that students not only learn about Dual carriageways and motorways, but they should also experience driving on these roads so they appreciate the differences.

That is why at Allen’s driving school the student will gain practical experience in each module. The course is completed in a single day with three , three hour sections with two refreshment breaks.

PASS PLUS - the course in depth

Module 1 | Town driving

In this module you will improve your basic driving skills and concentrate on improving your observations and judgement, consideration to vulnerable road users, being cautious but not over cautious.

Module 2 | All-Weather driving

This module will cover aspects of driving in different weather conditions, Speed and braking distances in rain, sleet and snow, fog and bright sunshine. You will also look at skidding and how to prevent them, aquaplaning and braking on loose surfaces.

Module 3 | Out of Town Driving & Rural roads

During this module you will particular attention to vulnerable road users such as horse riders and pedestrians. Also the difference between town and rural roads including the different hazards you could encounter.

Module 4 | Night driving

This session covers driving in the dark including the importance of head lights and the need to keep them clean, using your headlights without dazzling other road users. Adjusting to the dark especially at Dusk and Dawn. Parking and judging distance and speed.

Module 5 | Dual carriageways

Dual carriageways are high speed multi-lane roads where two carriageways are separated by a central reservation. The National speed limit on these roads is usually higher than single carriageway roads. Due to the higher speeds they require particular skills such as effective observations using all mirrors and checking blind spots. Judgement and planning keeping a safe distance using the 2 second rule. These roads require extra care when joining and leaving them.

Module 6 | Motorways

As a new driver in the Moray area there is a very good chance that you will not have driven on a motor way. Although similar to Dual carriageways there specific rules which apply when you are driving on a motorway. During this session you will gain practical experience with driving on a motorway, you will cover over taking and lane discipline, brake down procedures, motorway fatigue and debris on the carriageway.

Pass Plus Links

For more information please feel free to visit the UK Government website at the link below.
